My short screenplay, Leda, is an official selection at the Lake Travis Film Festival and the Austin Spotlight Film Festival, both in September. While I can’t make it to either one, I’m thrilled that this weird little script that I wrote in the depths of the pandemic has been getting some attention.
In March 2020 I was sure that I would be leaving tech and going to grad school. Since then I’ve decided not to go, opting instead to further my (daytime) career in tech and move forward with my creative career alongside it. It’s been an exhausting, anxiety-filled, strange, but formative time, during which a global health crisis was also happening.
Leda represents the first step I’ve taken to reacquaint myself with my creative practice since all these life changes, decisions, and global upheavals kicked off. Grateful indeed!
“Leda and the Swan,” taken in the Uffizi Gallery this past July.